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Listen: Four Love Songs
Kathleen Dean Moore is a writer, moral philosopher, and environmentalist. Her many books and awards include Holdfast: A Home in the Natural World, and Great Tide Rising: Towards Clarity and Moral Courage in a Time of Planetary Change, and, most recently, Earth's Wild Music: Celebrating and Defending the Songs of the Natural World. In the following essay, "she considers the looming loss of wild mus... posted on Nov 21 2021, 3,694 reads


Finding the Courage for What's Redemptive
"How to embrace what's right and corrective, redemptive and restorative -- and an insistence that each of us is more than the worst thing weve done -- these are gifts Bryan Stevenson offers with his life. He's brought the language of mercy and redemption into American culture in recent years, growing out of his work as a lawyer with the Equal Justice Initiative based in Montgomery, Alabama. Now th... posted on Nov 20 2021, 2,755 reads


7 Principles of Gardening
"My first principle is to learn gardening from the wilderness outside the garden gate. As I work to keep the links alive between the wild land and the cultivated row, I get my clearest gardening instruction from listening to the voice of the watershed that surrounds our garden. I know that January is the time to prune our Japanese Elephant Heart plum in the garden, but just when in January is alwa... posted on Nov 19 2021, 5,205 reads


The Power of Inside Out Congruency
Change your pants. Change your life. Change your pants. Save your life. Find out why being intentional about showing up in the world congruent with "who you are" in this world can do both. In this moving and highly personal talk, Stasia shares how her daughter taught her the importance of radically embracing who you are and who you want to be. She now helps other women fully embrace both in order ... posted on Nov 18 2021, 2,612 reads


"Early on there was no word for 'groundhog.' Neither were there groundhogs, or grandmothers, or event coordinators. There were events but they were uncoordinated like the Tunguska Event. There was nothing, but no word for it. In some ways it must have been nice, all that wordlessness, because sometimes now you meet somebody and all you can think is, Please stop talking. Our planet has become so mu... posted on Nov 17 2021, 2,296 reads


There Are Songs
"Scientists are now affirming what many indigenous peoples and mystics have known for a long time: the world is made of sound. Everything around and within us is comprised of vibrating stuff. As a songwriter, I am always listening for the songs that are already here. My job is to catch these whispered suggestions and bring them into form." Barbara McAfee is a singer/songwriter, voice coach, and cr... posted on Nov 16 2021, 5,687 reads


Wise Hope in Social Engagement
"It's when we discern courageously, and at the same time realize we don't know what will happen that wise hope comes alive. In the midst of improbability and possibility is where the imperative to act rises up. Wise hope is not seeing things unrealistically but rather seeing things as they are, including the truth of impermanence... as well as the truth of suffering--both its existence and the pos... posted on Nov 15 2021, 4,280 reads


The Heritage of Afghanistan
"Robert Abdul Hayy Darr, who since 1985, as director of the Afghan Cultural Assistance Foundation, has been helping Afghan refugees adapt to life in new homelands. He is also a long-time lover of Afghani-Persian culture who has translated several works of Persian poetry into English, and a follower of the Sufi tradition with a deep knowledge of the works of Ibn Arabi. In this conversation with Jan... posted on Nov 14 2021, 2,697 reads


How Does Your Worldview Affect Well-Being?
"Our worldview, our beliefs about what reality is, our views on what (if anything) has value and meaning, what Aldous Huxley called an individual's philosophy of life, contributes more significantly than we often think to our mental well-being. From pessimism to existentialism, might reading certain philosophical ideas actually lead to depression? The connection is not so simple. Philosophy can bo... posted on Nov 13 2021, 5,657 reads


A Better Place: Playing for Change
Musicians from around the world come together in song to speak up for equality and social justice. Whether they are performing from backyards, city street corners, by the oceanside, or in a park, they all give voice to the rights of people everywhere to live in freedom, dignity and peace. "If you feel it, through the music, we can make this world a better place."... posted on Nov 12 2021, 2,063 reads


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While technology is important, it's what we do with it that truly matters.
Muhammad Yunus

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